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Navigating the Future of School Transportation: Insights from the NSTA Annual Meeting

In a world where technology continues to reshape our daily lives, the realm of school transportation is no exception. At the NSTA Annual Meeting and Convention on July 22, 2024, a panel discussion titled, “On Board Technology on the Rise” brought together industry leaders to explore the future of school transportation technology. The panel featured Martin Staples from Transportant, Sam Hayes from Beacon Mobility, Joe Rossi from Transfinder, GP Singh from Bytecurve, and Kim Martin from Tyler Technologies. Each panelist provided unique insights into how technology is changing school transportation, with a focus on enhancing safety, efficiency, and communication.

Understanding the Core Issues

GP Singh from Bytecurve set the stage by emphasizing the importance of understanding the core issues before adopting new technologies. “Technology is always moving faster than operations. It’s crucial to ask the right questions: What problems are you actually trying to solve?” Singh’s insight highlighted the need for a clear, problem-solving approach to technology integration.

Joe Rossi from Transfinder echoed this sentiment, warning against being dazzled by the latest tech trends without considering their practical applications. “Don’t fall for the race track, because there’s a lot of capabilities and functionality out there.” Rossi said. He also stressed focusing on the value the technology brings for your specific needs along with the accessibility for everyone on your team.

The Power of Pilot Projects

Addressing the complexities of integrating new technologies at scale, Martin Staples, CEO of Transportant, highlighted the strategic use of pilot projects in the rollout process. “Choose a pilot project that’s manageable but important enough to engage everyone. This approach helps in smoother implementation and acceptance,” he suggested. Staples noted that this method also allows for refining and perfecting technology before beginning a full-scale implementation.

Kim Martin of Tyler Technologies brought attention to the shift required when adopting new technology. “The questions that you ask during this process are so important,” she explained. “You want to have your entire team there if you can, everyone who’s a stakeholder, and I like to always advise people to think, what’s next?” She also emphasized the need for user-friendly solutions, particularly for stakeholders who might not be tech-savvy.

AI: The Future of Safety and Efficiency

Artificial Intelligence emerged as a focal point in the discussion. Staples painted a vivid picture of AI’s role in enhancing school bus safety. “AI in cameras can identify behaviors like vaping or bullying and alert the transportation department, acting as a force multiplier,” he explained. This capability transforms cameras from passive recording devices into proactive safety tools, ensuring a secure environment for students.

Beyond safety, AI’s ability to gather and interpret data offers valuable insights for school districts. “Collecting and analyzing data helps predict future needs to optimize bus routes, improving efficiency and safety,” Staples added, showcasing how AI can streamline operations for increased reliability.

Real-Time Data: A Game Changer for Parents

As the panel moderator, Sam Hays of Beacon Mobility facilitated a discussion on the transformative power of real-time data in keeping parents informed. Panelists then shared some examples of how parent engagement apps are improving communication and attendance.

“For one of our schools, their biggest users are high school seniors,” Staples shared. “They roll out of bed, look to see where the bus is and figure out, do I have time to take a shower or not?” He also pointed out that as a result, more students made it to school on time, suggesting that the transparency provided by parent apps not only provides up-to-date information in the event of an emergency, but also encourages punctuality and can help to increase ridership.

Cost-Effective Solutions for a Seamless Experience  

In addressing the financial aspect of adopting new technology, the panelists talked about the importance of balancing affordability with functionality. “It’s not just about the cost of software or the hardware, but your team needs to be ready too.” Staples stated. “Data requires a different skill set, so evaluate your team and find out if you have the right skills.”

The integration of data across various systems was another critical point of discussion. “The seamless flow of data between different systems helps in making informed decisions quickly and efficiently,” Singh added, emphasizing the need for interconnected systems that provide a big picture view of operations.

Looking Ahead: The Road to Innovation  

As the panel drew to a close, the experts shared their visions for the future of school transportation technology. The conversations highlighted the need to understand core issues, the strategic use of pilot projects, the revolutionary potential of AI, the benefits of real-time data, and the pursuit of practical solutions.

For a closer look at these innovations and to see how Transportant is contributing to the future of school transportation, explore our latest updates, helpful resources and stay connected with us on Facebook, Linkedin, and X.

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